About the Workshop

The workshop agenda was designed to be interactive, hands-on and participatory, and included presentations and practical exercises that drew from a range of different communications frameworks and tools. In addition to some fundamentals in communication strategy development, selected frameworks and methods were shared by representatives from the Overseas Development Institute (RAPID – Research and Policy in Development); Tactical Technologies Collective (Visualizing Data); PANOS (RELAY); and TVE Asia Pacific (Television and New Media).  The specific objectives of the workshop were to:

  • Inform participants about different communications principles, methods and toolkits to facilitate targeted and outcomes-based communications plans.
  • Provide a space for participants to reflect on, develop, or improve their respective communications plans through presentations, hands-on exercises and networking opportunities; and
  • To ascertain longer-term needs with respect to capacity building in the area of communicating research to influence policy and practice.

Recognizing the limited effectiveness of one-off training exercises, this workshop is designed to work with participants to design or enhance project-specific communications strategies. Moreover, participants will be encouraged and supported to pursue relevant training or technical assistance to continue improving how their respective projects communicate research findings.


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